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IMF Mission team visits Liberia on ECF 4th article Review


Monrovia, Liberia - A hybrid mission team from the International Monetary Fund is in Liberia reviewing the 4th article of the four-year arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility program.

Under the Extended Credit Facility program, the IMF provides financial assistance to countries with protracted balance of payments problems.

On Tuesday, the head of mission Christopher Klingen and team met with Liberia’s Finance Minister Hon. Samuel D. Tweah Jr., as part of the team’s courtesy visits.

Minister Tweah receiving the guests disclosed that the government and people of Liberia are making frantic efforts aimed at completing lots of issues relating to the country’s economic growth and development; especially during a time of COVID and other global issues.

For his part, mission head Christopher Klingen said the team is in Liberia to review the fourth article, and to have consultation on the next program review.

Klingen indicated that they are basically checking stock to know where the mission could focus with regard to the growth potential of the country.

'' Basically we are checking stocks to know where the mission could focus more with regard to growth potential. We are conducting outreach, talking to more people and preparing an analytical thesis that will be presented to the seminar scheduled for Monday” he added.

He stated that the team will also reach out to the Central Bank of Liberia to look at the monitoring policies instituted.


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