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GoL, and EU to sign two Financing Agreements


Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia, and the European Union will on Friday May 22, sign two financing agreements.

Honorable Samuel D.Tweah Jr., Minister of Finance and Development Planning and the National Authorizing Officer Republic of Liberia will sign for the Government of Liberia, while Ambassador and Head of Delegation Madam Helene Cave will sign for the European Union.

The agreements are the Rural Electrification Programme prioritizing Liberia's Southeast, valued at Euros 42 million, and the EU support to demand-driven Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET), for young people in the country, valued also at Euros 12 million.

The two projects are equivalent to over 59 million United States dollars.

The Rural Electrification Programme seeks to increase prosperity and to accelerate development in the country, through the availability of sustainable Electricity in the Southeast of Liberia, while the EU TVET programme is geared towards improving the quality, relevance, and modernization of TVET by strengthening links with the private sector, and by improving the governance, planning, management, and delivery capacity at government and TVET, provider levels through the promotion of equitable and gender-balanced access to TVET in target providers.

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